The Water Investment Forum 2016 acted as a platform which brought together investors and key national and global water players to promote investment opportunities in the Kingdom. The forum emphasized public-private-partnerships (PPP), shared many successful PPP stories in KSA’s water sector. Participant and key-note speakers included Public and semi-public authorities (Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Saline Water Conversion Corporation-SWCC), and private local companies (National Water Company-NWC, International Water Distribution Co) as well as top of the world developers (Veolia, Suez, Metito) and distinguished personalities in the privatization business (Lord Mounihan, ex Minister of Thacher’s Government). SALFO was represented by Mr. Sotiris Sotiropoulos our KSA Country Director and Mr. Jamil Mitri, Business Development Manager KSA/QATARFor more information regarding the Forum please click here.