The Recreational Navigation Commission (RecCom) has declared our colleague Mr Dimitris Pagonis from Cyprus as the new member of the Commission. On behalf of the Commission, Mr Elio Ciralli, giving the welcome aboard, said: “This could be an important presence in our Commission for sharing experiences from a very active part of the Mediterranean area in the Recreational Navigation Infrastructure market. We also hope that Cyprus can become a new Qualifying Member of PIANC in the next future”. It is very important to note that Mr. Pagonis is the only Greek engineer from Greece and Cyprus, which ever managed to enter the committee. RecCom of PIANC is one of the four international technical commissions through which PIANC works. The aim of the committee is to provide technical advice in writing and drafting technical reports, manuals design for tourist and sports facilities, recreational facilities such as marinas, rowing, water parks, coastal regeneration and deployments, channels etc. on the engineering community and to global organizations (UN, World Bank, etc.). For more information regarding the RecCom please click here.